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Clackamas In-Home Preschool offers something truly unique for our community. This preschool provides the benefits of center-based curriculum & standards with the comfort of a state licensed loving home for your little one.  Low ratios. Please visit us to learn more about the following options.



Your Choice Of Schedules & Programs:











Oil Painting

Parents Night Out


Parents Night Outs are offered based on interest!  This is the perfect opportunity to go on that date reconnecting as a couple without children underfoot for usually 4 hours on a Saturday evening.


Documentation & Conferences


NAEYC Membership requires documentation of learning and this is what we provide at Clackamas Preschool.  At the time of preschool garduation, your child will have documentation of projects, writing samples, experiences, and friendships. Your child will also receive a framed picture of themselves in a graduation cap to put in their room if desired! 


If parents are interested in tracking the progress toward kindergarten readiness, conferences are available.

Volunteer Positions


There is no requirement to volunteer in this preschool.  However, many parents like to offer help.  These are some examples of positions available:

Volunteer story teller

Party Planner

Charity Organizer (Food Bank, Backpack Buddies Book Drives)

Supply Gatherer

On-Site Field Trip Coordinator

Portfolio Scrapbooker


Alternative Options:
If these hours are not ideal, alternative scheduling may be available.  



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